On Friday 30 August, we’re releasing our first album as Ragtop Down.
Late last year, our friend Roger Askew gamely agreed to record one of our songs – Slide, Charlie Brown. The plan was simply to document our stripped back, three-strong string band sound. But over a few sessions, Lyle broke out his formidable instrument arsenal and we roped in Hjordis Moon Badford on percussion. At the last minute, Roger improvised a playful piano part and suddenly the song came alive: here was that Vince Guaraldi Peanuts vibe that it had been crying out for all along. And after ten years making music, we finally had a proper recording - something that said “Look what we did”.
So we decided to just keep on going.
Gaby and I trawled our sack of songs – going right back to the early days of Franklin – and chose a number that we’ve been kicking around on stage and at the Dipstick table sessions over the years. Lyle tweaked (and even transformed) some of the arrangements. Hjordis came back for more. Roger was saintly patient throughout, layering the parts, piecing the songs together and crafting our sound. And we wrote a couple of new songs for good measure.
After months of recording and tinkering, we sent the mixes to Denis Blackham at Skye Mastering. The album is finally done and here’s the release teaser.
It’s a snapshot of where we are right now, with echoes of what we used to be and a hint of where we’ll go. And it’s been thrilling, frustrating, exhilarating, emotional and a complete and utter joy.
I can’t wait to start the Difficult Second Album.
One final thought. My favourite moment happened during the second recording session for new song Summerland. While we recorded most of our parts separately, for the song’s outro Gaby, Lyle and I stood together around the mic, singing harmonies, clapping - and beaming. We hope you enjoy it.